Section: New Software and Platforms

Longitudinal SVF Framework

Longitudinal Stationary Velocity Field (SVF) Framework

Keywords: Image registration - Image analysis - Medical imaging

Scientific Description: The pipeline pre-process the images, and then estimates the longitudinal deformation per patient using the log-demons (or more recently the LCC-log-demons), transports the subject-SVF into a common spatial reference and performs group-wise analyses.

Functional Description: The Longitudinal Stationary Velocity Field (SVF) Framework estimates longitudinal brain deformations from image data series, transport them in a common space and perform statistical group-wise analyses.

It is based on freely available softwares and tools, and consists of three main steps: i) Pre-processing, ii) Position correction, iii) Non-linear deformation analysis.

  • Authors: Marco Lorenzi, Xavier Pennec, Giovanni Frisoni and Nicholas Ayache

  • Partner: IRCCS San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli

  • Contact: Xavier Pennec